July 23, 2023

It's only a hobby!

Two old men were sitting on a park bench.
"Well, what do you do now that you are retired?" asked one.
"I have a hobby: I raise pigeons," replied the other.
"Pigeons? Where do you keep them? You live in a condominium!"
"I keep them in a closet."
"In your closet? Don't they shit on your shoes and on your clothes?"
"No," said the man.
"I keep them in a box."
"In a box? How do they breathe?"
"Breathe? They don't breathe," said the man,
"they are dead."
"Dead?" exclaimed the friend, shocked.
"You keep dead pigeons?"
"What the hell, it is only a hobby!"

- OSHO : Dhammapada Chapter 2

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