August 26, 2022

Free as a Dancing Shiva

A weight lifted, a truth finally known,
Happiness blooms, when freedom is sown.
Like Shiva's cosmic dance, embracing all strife,
I accept every soul, in the tapestry of life.

Flaws and all, I see them with a heart open wide,
Forgiving the past, letting resentment subside.
The fear of losing, a burden released,
A newfound lightness, a spirit at peace.

This happiness resonates, a warmth in my core,
A clarity of vision, that I haven't known before.
Challenges may come, shadows in the sun,
But with acceptance as my shield, my freedom's race is won.

So I dance through life, like Shiva, unconfined,
Embracing all that is, with a joyful, open mind.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy..... 😃😃😃
