May 19, 2024

Grains of Sand

Dust-laden boots on foreign ground, 
Where broken homes and hope are found. 
A canvas tent, my temporary hold, 
Witness to stories yet untold.

I see the faces, etched with pain, 
Yet hold a strength that won't be chained. 
A child's thin arm, a mother's tear, 
A weight upon my heart to bear.

But in their eyes, a flicker bright, 
A yearning for a future's light. 
We build, we mend, with hands that care, 
A fragile hope, a burden shared.

The language barrier, thin and frail, 
A smile speaks volumes, without a tale. 
Each bandage wrapped, each shelter made, 
With a tiny step, a difference lay.

I fight the doubt, the endless need, 
But compassion's flame, it burns indeed. 
For in this chaos, hand in hand, 
We rise together, grain of sand.

This weary heart, it finds its peace, 
In acts of kindness, burdens cease. 
An aid worker's journey, never done, 
Until the rising of a hopeful sun.

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