October 11, 2013

Unveiling Your True Self: Osho's Take on "Being Yourself"

Have you ever wondered what it means to "be yourself"? Osho, a renowned yet controversial thinker, offers a unique perspective. In his view, it's not about indulging every whim of your conditioned mind. It's about discovering a deeper truth – your authentic self.

Beyond the Programmed Mind:

Osho argues that "being yourself" doesn't equate to acting out every thought or desire. Our minds are like complex computers, programmed by experiences and societal influences. True self-discovery lies in becoming aware of these programs without getting swept away by them.

The Power of Watchfulness:

The key, according to Osho, is cultivating "watchfulness." This involves observing your thoughts, emotions, and reactions without judgment. It's like watching a movie – you're aware of the characters and story, but separate from them.

The Paradox of the Watcher:

Osho presents an interesting paradox. You can observe everything within your mind – thoughts, feelings, memories. But you can't directly observe the act of watching itself. This state of pure awareness, the "watcher," is your true self.

Returning to Your Essence:

Imagine a newborn baby. Their awareness is unclouded by conditioning. Osho suggests that being yourself means returning to this state of pure awareness, the one you were born with.

Living Authentically, Not Ascetically:

The beauty of Osho's message is that it doesn't require drastic life changes. You don't need to become a hermit or renounce the world. Instead, simply integrate watchfulness into your daily activities. Do everything – from chores to conversations – with a mindful awareness.

Kabir's Poetic Analogy:

Osho uses Kabir's poem as an allegory. The poem describes a cloth, pure and pristine, representing your original awareness. The world can stain this cloth, but through watchfulness, you can preserve its purity.

झीनी रे झीनी रे झीनी चदरिया, झीनी रे झीनी रे झीनी चदरिया
के राम नाम रस भीनी चदरिया, झीनी रे झीनी रे झीनी चदरिया
अष्ट कमल दल चरखा डोले, पांच तत्व, गुण तीनि चदरिया
साइँ को सियत मास दस लागे, ठोंक-ठोंक के बीनी चदरिया
सो चादर सुर नर मुनि ओढ़ी, ओढ़ी के मैली कीनी चदरिया
दास कबीर जतन सो ओढ़ी, ज्यों की त्यों धर दीन चदरिया

In translation:
This is fine, this is fine cloth.
It is been dipped in the name of the lord
The spinning wheel, like an eight-petal lotus, spins,
With five tatvas and three gunas as the pattern.
The Lord stiched it in 10 months
The threads have been pressed to get a tight weave.
It has been worn by gods, people, and sages
They soiled it with use.

The Rewards of Self-Discovery:

By becoming a detached observer, you remain unaffected by external events. This protects your inner peace, joy, and the inherent treasures that make you, you. Discovering your true self, Osho suggests, is the most fulfilling journey you can embark on.

The Takeaway:

Osho's message is a call to action. Don't settle for being a product of conditioning. Cultivate watchfulness, and unveil the authentic, unprogrammed you. This journey of self-discovery lies within your grasp, waiting to be embraced.

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