February 07, 2010

How was your day?

Boss asked in the evening while leaving office " How was your day? what did you do today?"

Employee replied "My day was very productive and took a lot of initiative. I planned for my work in the morning, drafted my objectives for the day, and checked if they aligned with, among other things, the organization's mission, vision, values, ethics and code. I benchmarked it with the best paradigm shifts across the globe and for every item that I thought had a mismatch with the criteria, I put the, sorry, revisited, the question and fine-tuned the objective to realign it to the mission of our organization. Having done that, I proceeded to come up with an action item list which was a granular listing of my above objectives. Until lunch, I was done with this breakdown. Post lunch, which was actually another meeting in which I had to eat, I had 2 - 3 meetings and then it is time to go home now."

"Excellent" barked the boss. "It was a very productive day for you. I like it. Keep it up"

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