February 14, 2011

A Look Back: City-Level Business Regulations in India (2009)

While the World Bank's Doing Business reports are no longer published [1], a 2009 sub-national report on India offers valuable insights into how local regulations impacted businesses over a decade ago. Here's a summary of its key findings, based on the "Doing Business in India 2009" report [2].

City Matters: The Impact of Local Regulations

This report focused on how regulations specific to Indian cities affected businesses. It examined regulations that impacted various stages of a business's life cycle, from starting up to closing down [2]. The study revealed significant variations in regulations across 17 Indian cities, highlighting the importance of considering local factors when doing business in India [2].

Reform and its Rewards

The report also showcased the positive impact of reforms implemented in several cities [2]. These reforms resulted in faster business startup times and streamlined processes for obtaining construction permits [2]. Cities like Ludhiana, Hyderabad, and Bhubaneshwar emerged as leaders in terms of having a more business-friendly environment [2].

Cities with Challenges

The report also identified cities where regulations posed greater challenges for businesses [2]. Kochi and Kolkata were found to have regulations that made it more difficult to start and operate a business [2].

Insights for Today's Businesses

While the data is not current, it offers valuable insights into the dynamic relationship between local regulations and business activity in India [2]. Understanding how city-specific regulations can affect businesses can be crucial for informed decision-making, even in today's landscape.


  1. The World Bank discontinued its Doing Business reports in 2021 [invalid URL removed]
  2. Doing Business in India 2009 World Bank and International Finance Corporation [invalid URL removed]

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