October 20, 2022

Breathing is Thought, Thought is Life

Every small habit and thought, when made a practice, leads to unimaginable improvements. This will also improve the unconscious mind. Every habit gradually becomes a part of the unconscious.

Put God first. Become a witness.

Making decisions after deep thought creates a strong inner faith.

Make decisions with faith - love - joy - and qualitative - and emotional thoughts and then keep doing them throughout your life.

Compassion is the Ganges, and faith is the reverse Ganges. If you have faith, compassion will flow automatically.

Practice silence and detachment and make them a natural part of yourself.

Energy is neutral. Do not embrace anger, turn it into compassion. Do the opposite, do not embrace it. Stop the whirlpool of negative thoughts. Become a witness. Make the present joyful. If there is joy within, there is no need for external pleasures. This is detachment.

The world awakens at sunrise. Our body awakens. Then sit silently and without worries under a tree and experience the flow of intense energy within. Become a witness. I am the original source of happiness. This will be the experience. That means ego dissolution, desirelessness, and complete acceptance in a natural state.

My destiny is the present situation. I have asked for it. I can do two things - accept it naturally or struggle. If you accept the totality of existence in its entirety, then pain itself disappears. - This is the deepest mystery of life. In conflict, your energy will be wasted. Do not be a warrior, but a meditative being.

I have created this hell of the present myself, so I can make it heaven too. Surrender is the way to victory.

Even saying no is subtle violence, so say no with a positive feeling and gesture.

A seeker has to live in the fragrance of yes. The seeker will only say yes. Yes in life, yes in body. Yes in mind. Yes to everyone, yes to the whole existence unconditionally. Then there is supreme solitude. Existence is purified. The ego is a subtle destroyer and identity is ego-less.

Yes, I will experience purity + beauty descending within.

Key Points
  • The power of habits and thoughts: Every small habit and thought, when practised, has a profound impact on our lives, including our unconscious mind.
  • The importance of faith and detachment: Faith and detachment are essential for inner peace and happiness. Faith allows us to let go of control and trust in a higher power, while detachment helps us to find contentment in the present moment.
  • The transformative power of acceptance: Accepting our present circumstances, even if they are challenging, is the key to transforming our lives. When we resist what is, we create suffering. But when we accept it, we open ourselves up to the possibility of change.
  • The role of the witness: Becoming a witness to our thoughts and emotions allows us to observe them without judgment. This can help us to gain greater self-awareness and break free from negative patterns.
  • The importance of living in the present: The present moment is the only place where we can truly experience life. By focusing on the present, we can let go of the past and future and find joy and fulfilment.
  • The power of unconditional love: Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe. When we open our hearts to love, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities

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