November 25, 2010

Cruising Ahmedabad with the Radio as my Copilot

There's something undeniably satisfying about life in Ahmedabad. Being home, surrounded by familiar faces and delicious food, good roads to explore, and endless places to discover – it all adds up to a perfect life, especially when I'm behind the wheel of my car.

Lately, I've been racking up the miles – nearly 150 kilometres a day for the past three weeks, totalling over 3,000 kilometres since August 25th, 2010. And you know what makes these drives even more enjoyable? The radio! It's my one and only companion on the road.

Speaking of radio, it's fascinating how trends come full circle. Remember Vividh Bharati's golden age? Now, it's all about the high-energy "Mirchi, bajate raho!" stations. Catchy names, for sure, but sometimes, a little too much spice can get overwhelming. Just like girlfriends, right? Hot is good, but for a wife, maybe a little more cooling down is ideal. (Just kidding!)

The same thing happened to me with my radio preferences. I used to be a loyal listener to Sudharshan (oops, I mean Mangesh!), but lately, his brand of humor just isn't hitting the spot anymore. On the other hand, I find myself strangely drawn to "Ghanta Singh" and his, well, let's just say, unique way of storytelling. It's a bit much sometimes, but there's a certain charm to it.

(Story continues...)

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